staff who are in the best position to seize any
opportunities that may arise”. In countries
that are considered to be ‘emerging’, it will
become increasingly more important on the
hydraulic market for Walvoil to have a local
outlet if it is to be able to tackle competition
from both local manufacturers and low-cost
‘Made in Italy’ is well-rated. Here’s why
The constant growth in the flow of trade
between Italy and Russia just goes to show
how sound the financial and business rela-
tionships are between the two countries. This
is a very positive result which is boosted by
the clear complementarity of the respective
economic systems. For Italy, Russia is a va-
luable source of raw materials, whereas Russia
imports finished products from our country.
So what are the reasons and what is the sta-
te of the business relationships between Italy
and the Russian Federation?
“There are various reasons – remarked Mr.
Colombo-. I can sum up some of the main
concepts and technical and interpersonal dif-
ferences between the history of Russia and
our country: after the initial extensive diffi-
culties in communication, due to the diffe-
rent mentalities and the fact that the English
progettare international
The interviewees
Daniele Colombo
, from Atos: “The success
behind ‘Made in Italy’ in Russia? I can sum
up some of the main concepts and technical
and interpersonal differences between the
history of Russia and our country: first of all,
there is a great deal of empathy between the
Russians and the Italians, which helps trade
enormously, what’s more, our country is well-
rated by our partners from both a cultural and
landscape point of view. Then, of course, there
is the quality of our products”.
Andrea Trezzi,
from Duplomatic
Oleodinamica: “The appreciation of goods
that are ‘Made in Italy’ on the Russian
market is based on elements such as the
quality of the product, the flexibility when
creating solutions and the relational approach
that puts the customer at the centre of the
business proposition. These values, which have
always been an intrinsic part of the spirit of
Duplomatic Oleodinamica, are enabling us to
enjoy a successful experience”.
culated issue, especially with regards to the
financial worth of that market. “We are the
market leader when it comes to moving appli-
cations which range from farming machinery,
tractors, combine harvesters, etc., to machi-
nery that is used for building and cleaning
roads such as dumpers, excavators, cranes and
snow shifters, but we also supply various con-
struction companies with the so-called ‘fixed’
hydraulic systems”. He added: “Income from
CIS countries accounts for about 10% of the
turnover for the Italian division of hydraulic
filters and it could double with the opening
of a direct branch. At present, it is not pos-
sible to calculate the true worth of the Rus-
sian market exactly due to a lack of certain
figures and especially the fact that there are
many different ways that Russian customers
do their buying. In the future, the potential
turnover deriving from the service industry
must certainly not be underestimated, a servi-
ce which, at the moment, is almost non-exi-
stent or left to local manufacturers, but which
could soon, if it follows the logics of western
markets, represent a market share of between
20 and 30% of the turnover”.
Mr. Ferrari remarked that: “The earth-moving
machinery, farming machinery and industrial
vehicle industries are the main development
markets for hydraulic components. The mix
of products has diversified over the years. Al-
so on the Russian market there are now re-
quests for technical and safety characteristics
in the components which bring the machines
that are manufactured locally up to the same
level as internationally recognised OEMs”.
As far as the figures and percentages as to
what that market is worth are concerned, Mr.
Ferrari added: “the Russian market currently
accounts for about 3% of Walvoil’s Emea
(Europe, Middle East and Africa) sales. The
Russian Federation is investing a great deal in
the construction industry and, over the next
seven years, major investments are expected
in infrastructures such as motorways, urbani-
sation and industrial poles. The transforma-
tion of ex state-owned companies and their
privatisation with incentives to boost techno-
logical development and domestic produc-
tivity, certainly represent a great deal of po-
tential for the hydraulic market. Walvoil will
continue to invest, above all, in locally-based
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