the main themed areas.
At the exhibition ‘valued contacts and sounds
deals are made, helped along by side events,
roundtables and forums.
The decision-making managers and investors
from all over the world who take part in the
event can learn all about the new trends, the-
mes and technologies’. The inter-sectorial
transfer of know-how thus becomes a reality
and, year after year, ‘more than five million
business contacts come about’.
The interconnection
So, the theme of interconnection will be at
the centre of the German event, with particu-
lar reference to machinery, systems or work
pieces that enable information to be exchan-
ged in real time and can communicate with
each other in an extremely intelligent way.
The upshot is that not only can you have all
the documentation you need about the entire
lifecycle of the product, but also the assistan-
ce and repair services are activated automa-
Digitalisation and IT technology lead to ma-
jor changes in corporate life and financial re-
The way information is exchanged is transfor-
med, sectors join ranks and new alliances are
Russia, the partner country
Every year, Hannover Messe puts the spotlight
on an exhibiting country. This year it is the turn
of the Russian Federation. And it will be atten-
ding in the role of the partner country - and not
only on the exhibition front, but also as part the
forums and other side events - as well as repre-
senting one of the world’s leading economies.
“The investment potential on the Russian mar-
ket will certainly be very appealing to exhibitors
and specialised visitors to the exhibition”, con-
cluded Mr. Köckler. What’s more, in Russia,
2013 is the year of sustainability, an issue which
will certainly lead to lots of contacts being made
around the exhibition halls in Hannover.
progettare international
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