our first sales office in Moscow, which then
became a branch in 2008. It is now a fully-
fledged branch with a sales office, a marketing
office and a technical office. This branch is
responsible not only for Russia, but also all
the countries in the ex Soviet Union, today’s
CISs and the Baltic Republics”. But that’s not
all, after careful market research regarding the
potential on offer in Russia’s various federal
areas, Atos opened another three sales offices:
two in European Russia and one in Asian
“For the future we are looking at the possi-
bilities of increasing the number of staff in
Asian Russia and, what’s more, the opening
of a service centre in Moscow is imminent,
aimed at improving and speeding up our
assistance service. Unfortunately, the bure-
aucracy surrounding those markets is still a
big problem: dispatching and receiving goods
and spare parts is slowed down a great deal at
the customs, which has repercussions on the
efficiency of our service”, said Mr. Colombo.
Throughout Russo, Atos collaborates with
about 45 partners plus another 20 in countri-
es in the ex Soviet Union and Baltic Repu-
blics. Added to which there are a number of
OEMs which the Lombardy-based company
started to supply directly a few years ago.
Aware of the fact that the Russian market
has been a development opportunity for the
hydraulics industry for quite some time, in
2005 Walvoil did some market research to
find a distribution network that could best
meet the company’s business targets. “Since
then –commented Andrea Ferrari, the Emea
Sales and Application Manager for Walvoil-
we have been cultivating collaborations with
a number of retailers who have an in-depth
knowledge about the market and who can gi-
ve us the guarantees we are looking for when
it comes to both supplies and payments. At
the same time, thanks to the support of our
retailers and in-house staff, we have invested
in technical/commercial relationships with
OEMs, aimed at discovering and understan-
ding local needs and cultures better”. Here
then are the main merchandise sectors where
‘Made in Italy’ components are used.
The merchandise sectors
“The four main outlet markets for Atos com-
ponents –Mr. Colombo went on - are oil &
gas, aerospace, railways and metallurgy; but
we are diversifying our exports by opening up
to new industries such as the marine indu-
stry, road machinery and mining machines.
Of course, the Russian user is mainly loo-
king for hi-tech products with proportional
electro-hydraulics, digital electronics, servo-
cylinders and flameproof products that we
can supply and which are also certified by
Rostechnadzor, the Russian certifying body”.
So, what is the Russian market worth to Atos
and what potential does it have to offer? “The-
se days, it represents about 5% of our turno-
ver, but we feel that this could increase by at
least 50% in the space of just a few years. Atos
has undoubtedly been one of the main play-
ers for a few years now, but at the moment it
is difficult to estimate the market share given
the fact that it is constantly evolving in a big
Mr. Trezzi was keen to point out that: “What
Duplomatic Oleodinamica has to offer is fo-
cused mainly on hydraulic valves and systems.
Destination industries such as metallurgy, oil
& gas and industrial machinery, mainly pres-
ses and special machines. We are also involved
in various revamping projects”. In 2012, the
Russian market was worth millions of Euros
to Duplomatic Oleodinamica. With regards
to the production of complete systems in
particular, Duplomatic Oleodinamica is up
among the market’s top three players. Consi-
stent growth expectations are still continuing
to boost the country’s entire system. “Over
the next five years we expect to see our turno-
ver double”, explained Mr. Trezzi.
Mr. Cattaneo gave his response to this arti-
progettare international
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