or more than a decade new
geopolitical equilibriums
have been redesigned on
the international scene, in
the context of which Russia
is involved in a process that sees the count-
ry getting closer to and more integrated with
western structures, thanks also to help from
Italy, which is looked upon as the Federa-
tion’s ‘privileged’ European partner, compa-
red to other European countries.
The companies, and, more generally speaking,
the Italian industrial districts, offer experien-
ce and know-how that helps to speed up the
industrialisation process, with the creation of
an economic fabric that is similar to the one
in the West, favouring obviously, within the
limitations of the possibilities on offer from
an individual country, the diffusion of an
enterprising climate that is made up mainly
of small- and medium-sized companies and
industrial districts, created around the model
of those found in Italy and with the partici-
pation of Italian companies. The Russian Fe-
deration as a business partner for our country
is a relevant fact and here are a few figures
by way of confirmation: GDP up by 4.3%
in 2011, 3.8-3.9% predicted for the 2012-
2013 period and trade with Italy up by 21%
in 2011. There are some good opportunities
to be had, especially for small- and medium-
sized companies, which Russia is offering so
as to boost trade, step up the industrial part-
nership and mutual investments, with its spe-
cial economic zones and seven major projects
already in progress that overall, are worth
468 billion Euros, as well as the advantageous
trading conditions as a result of joining the
WTO. The merchandise sectors that the ini-
tiatives involving the Federation are concen-
trated on are: technological-scientific colla-
boration, technological parks, Universities in
the two countries and collaboration between
trade-fair systems and Organisations. In the
last ten years trade between Italy and Russia
has more than doubled with earnings of over
27 billion Euros (2002-2011).
Of course, ‘Made in Italy’ has benefitted a
great deal from all this.
Investing in the Russian Federation
“Given the fact that the trade-fairs within
our industry are starting to lose their appeal
and web-marketing is still not fully mature
in our sector, the most profitable investment
still remains human contact and assiduously
going along to visit users” began Roberto
Cattaneo, the Area Manager for Ufi Filters.
He then went on to say: “At present, we
collaborate directly with both retailers and
leading OEMs, but we are looking into the
possibility of opening a local branch so as to
be able to step up our position of leadership
in CIS countries (ex USSR countries). From
the market research that was carried out, the
most interesting opportunities are to be found
in Byelorussia and in SEZs, special economic
zones in Russia. Unfortunately, the recent
crisis and instability on these markets made
us cautious when investing and this inevitably
led to changes being made in our priorities”.
We would like to point out, however, that
Ufi Filters has a strong leaning towards inter-
nationalisation, for more than 10 years now
the company has had branches dotted around
the world, and the Russia Federation should
not have much longer to wait.
“Since 2000, Duplomatic Oleodinamica,
said the Area Manager Andrea Trezzi, has
been operative on the market in the Russian
Federation thanks to the close collaboration
with a local partner that acts as the master
distributor. This approach has enabled us to
create bidirectional synergies aimed, on the
one hand, at gaining, much faster, the infor-
mation we need about the market and, on the
other, to share specific skills”.
Daniele Colombo, the Export Area Manager
for Atos, spoke about the company’s expe-
riences in that country: “In 2002 we opened
progettare international
The vast and wealthy Russian Federation
has major structural and financial
similarities to our country. It has
industrial districts that are similar to those
in Italy and the expansion of the business
activities of our small- and medium-sized
companies has grown exponentially over
the last few years. Here are a few examples
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