this in mind, as part of the measures put forward
to the future Government by Federmacchine
(National Federation of Capital Goods Manu-
facturing Associations earmarked for Industrial
and Handcrafted Manufacturing Process, which
Assofluid is a member of), there are a number
of measures that I believe to be extremely inte-
resting, such as: the introduction of a provision
that enables the reduction in the payment of Irap
tax on staff to a percentage that is equal to the
level of production earmarked for foreign mar-
kets; the liberalisation of depreciation allowan-
ces, whose rates need updating in any case, (a
measure which would not have a mid-term effect
on the state coffers, as it would only entail the
shifting of revenue receipts); a provision on the
model of Law 1329/65 (Sabatini Law) which
helped a great deal in the industrialisation of
the country. For both the economic coverage of
these requests and for other important measures
on an industrial level reference can be made to
the document submitted by Confindustria to the
main political representatives: ‘The Confindu-
stria project for Italy: it can grow, it must grow’.
Attention also needs paying to those people who
want to govern, they need to work more and mo-
re intensely with their colleagues in the Europe-
an Union to get the ECB to introduce a mone-
tary policy that is more favourable to ‘Made in
progettare international
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