fter a year that is still pro-
ving to be difficult for the
economy, Italian compa-
nies within the fluid po-
wer industry are invited
to attend one of the industry’s main exhibi-
tion, namely Hannover Messe. According to
analysts, in the second half of 2013 we should
start seeing the first initial signs of a recovery.
We spoke about this to Amadio Bolzani, the
Chairman of Assofluid, and, together, we
analysed the problems that the industry is
facing, as well as the expectations and a few
‘cautious’ predictions. There were no lack
of pointers either when talking about the
technological trends within the industry.
Chairman, the Fluid Power industry in
Italy brought 2012 to a close with results
that, on the whole, were negative. How
would you describe the current situation?
“Last year, the Fluid Power industry in Italy
registered results that were, on the whole, ne-
gative for both sectors. In detail, with regards
to turnover within the hydraulics industry, the
results for 2012 all looked negative, except for
imports, which were up by 1%. In terms of tur-
nover, the domestic market was down by 2.4%,
in line with domestic production levels, which
fell by 3%. The situation regarding the number
of orders received proved to be worse: we found
ourselves having to face decreases of 5.2% in do-
mestic production and 11.9% on the domestic
All the entries analysed in relation to the pneu-
matics industry also proved to be negative,
except those which referred to exports: (+2.2%)
turnover and (+4.4%) orders.
The end-of-year figures on the domestic market
showed a drop in terms of both turnover and
orders (-7.5% and -7.3% respectively). Dome-
stic production showed a slightly better situation
than deliveries on the domestic market; the re-
sults, however, were negative compared to 2011,
for both turnover (-3.5%) and orders (-2.5%)”.
What are your expectations for the next few
“The end-of-year figures for 2012 reflected the
difficult times that Italy’s economy is going
through, which, based on forecasts by the Con-
findustria Study Centre, should start to pick up
again with some stability in the second half of
2013 and continue into 2014, a year in which
an increase in the GDP is also expected. It must
be said, though, that, compared to the previous
quarterly report (9 months 2012) there was a
big improvement in the number of orders: this
could indicate a slight recovery in the first few
months of 2013, even though the general eco-
nomic situation for the near future still looks
Unfortunately, even though expectations seem to
show slight signs of a recovery in the economy,
from a statistical point of view, there is no cer-
tainty of any stable or long-lasting progress being
made to base a certain, long-term economic-fi-
nancial programme on.
Having said that, I am also just as convinced
that the cohesion and ability to respond that
has always characterised Italian companies are
still the turnkeys which will enable us to remain
competitive and get through even this difficult
From the point of view of firms within your
industry, what action should a new Go-
vernment take to boost growth?
“First of all, carful attention needs paying to
small- and medium-sized companies, which are
the entrepreneurial fabric that the Italian ma-
nufacturing industry relies on.
Obviously, this does not mean overlooking an
effective industrial policy also for big companies.
On the contrary, it means introducing an all-
round economic policy that takes into conside-
ration all the realities that are involved. With
progettare international
After a year that reflects the difficult times that the world’s
economy is going through, the market should start to pick
up again with some stability in the second half of 2013
and continue into 2014. We spoke about this to the
Chairman of Assofluid, Amadio Bolzani
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