platino. Sono creazioni di classe - dice Lu-
cibello - e il nostro lavoro è una continua
ricerca del bello, del prodotto esclusivo:
articoli di alta gamma che nascono da un
mix di tradizione e innovazione”.
Ovviamente, parliamo di prodotti di nic-
chia che si rivolgono a un mercato parti-
colare. “Noi ci siamo concentrati sul mon-
do del lusso - racconta Lucibello -; come
dicevo, abbiamo capito che le fasce inter-
medie non erano più interessanti per il
nostro business, ma soprattutto vi è stata
una svolta importante, quella di abban-
donare il mercato italiano e affacciarci ai
mercati esteri. Se una volta il 90% della
nostra produzione era destinato all’Ita-
lia, oggi Il 95% va all’estero”. Russia, Pa-
esi Arabi e Cina sono i principali Paesi di
sbocco. E comunque, laddove il lusso è
amato e ricercato.
Creare valore nel territorio
Porcelain shines
with brightness
Looking at the world map and realizing how
small Italy is, compared to other countries,
and despite this howmuch the ‘Made in
Italy’, our culture and our traditions are
popular, loved and appreciated everywhere.
We can be grateful for this to the many
artisans who were able to hand down
their knowledge of the ‘handmade in Italy’
tradition generation to generation.
Think of Florence, its art, its history, but
also of Florentine artisans and their skills
in different product sectors. Here, in 1948,
Mario Sernesi’s intuition and foresight
gave life to the Manifattura Artistica
Le Porcellane brand. From the very
beginning, the company aimed for high-
quality production, which originates from
the experience and professionalism of the
territory, of the Tuscan artisan culture, with
the most precious porcelain, very difficult to
make: according to ancient traditions it has
to be baked at 1,330 °C, and this process
creates the depth and purity of the bright
white that distinguishes the brand.
Today the nephew, Giacomo Lucibello, with
his company Brigantino and Porcellane
Home and Lighting is making the value of
tradition, quality and Florentine mastery
known to the world.
Born in 1981, at only 23 years old he was
already Managing Director of Manifattura
Artistica Le Porcellane, the historic family
company, then he developed and changed
not only in terms of company name but also
in terms of strategies. “A new company,
with a different mission compared to the
company headed by my grandfather, even
if we didn’t want to give up our roots and
traditions,” explains Giacomo Lucibello.
“Since the start of Brigantino, our aim has
been to offer unique pieces of white and
precious porcelain to the world, to make the
artworks created by our artisans known.
With commitment and hard work, but also
with a lot of enthusiasm, and even fun, this
goal was achieved in a few years.”