Quali sono le opportunità di business
negli EAU per le aziende italiane?
“I dati relativi all’interscambio Italia-EAU
nell’ultimo quinquennio (oltre 35 miliardi
di euro) hanno confermato che gli EAU
sono ormai stabilmente il primo merca-
to di sbocco nell’area Mena per l’export
italiano (oltre 30 miliardi di euro nel pe-
riodo in questione). Le opportunità di
business in questo Paese sono quindi
legate anzitutto al commercio, con ore-
ficeria, macchinari, elettromeccanica,
legno-arredo, agro-alimentare e, natu-
ralmente, le ‘icone italiane’ (auto di lusso
e grandi firme del fashion-design) a farla
da padrone. Sarebbe però riduttivo guar-
dare agli EAU solo come mero mercato
di sbocco per le nostre esportazioni. Gli
EAU offrono, infatti, grandi opportunità
Quali precauzioni deve adottare un’im-
presa per poter realizzare progetti di
successo ad Abu Dhabi?
“Gli EAU restano un mercato tanto at-
traente, quanto complesso e competi-
tivo, a maggior ragione a seguito del-
la relativa contrazione economica del
2015-2016 dovuta all’andamento sfavo-
revole dei prezzi del greggio. Le princi-
pali criticità derivano dal poco tempo
talvolta impiegato e dalle poche risorse
investite per approfondirne il funzio-
United Arab Emirates, a
land of newopportunities
for Italian enterprises
Italian entrepreneurship is highly valued
in the UnitedArab Emirates. Indeed, there
are many tangible symbols: from the great
mosque of Sheikh Zayed to FerrariWorld,
from the circular skyscraper known as ‘The
Coin’ to AbuDhabi’s complex water collection
system, from the massive petrochemical
hub of Borouge to the various hydrocarbon
processing plants, even the country’s first
railroad. “The Italian component is greatly
appreciated, andwe can only be proud of
that”, explains Liborio Stellino, Italian
ambassador to the UAE. What are the keys to
success in the Emirate market?Hire a law firm
or a consultant with a solid knowledge of the
country; identifymedium-termgoals without
being tempted by the ‘eat and run’ mentality;
ensure a solid cash flowfrom the outset.There
are numerous opportunities, for example,
in the development of major infrastructure
projects: from reinforcing the Dubai subway
lines to the 2020 Expo platform; from the
completion of the railway network to the
construction of Dubai South-Al Maktoum
International (the newmega-airport that will
handle 120million passengers per year).The
Italian support network is extensive: “Italian
businesses”, explains the diplomat, “can rely
on the embassy in AbuDhabi, as well as on
the consulate inDubai, natural points of
reference and support in navigating relations
with the local economic and institutional
structures, as well as on the ICE office in
Dubai, which provides a broad spectrumof
business support activities. It is a network of
contacts and knowledge of the market and its
sectoral trends, whichwe continually seek to
intensify and expand, and this also involves, for
example, the ever-increasing number of Italian
financial institutions in the country (Banca
Intesa San Paolo, Unicredit, UBI Banca and
Sace) as well as the Italian Business Council
offices in AbuDhabi andDubai, expressly
revitalized in recent years”.
giugno 2017