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Page Background

nel campo delle tecnologie di sicurezza

per il licenziamento del software.

Oltre confine

Industry 4.0 is the name of a new paradigm

of industrial production in which the

means of production are fully automated,

interconnected and controlled by a computer

system capable of making making decisions

independently. Thanks IoT, the various

machinery or factory systems communicate

with each other and with their human

operators in real time. The idea is to have

intelligent, fast and very flexible factories

that can respond to market needs. For

example, the factories of the same supply

chain can be networked and automatically

adapt to the demands that come from

within the chain itself, whether increasing

or decreasing production, or modifying

and even customizing the products - all

of it freed up from issues of economies of

scale in a highly efficient just-in-time logic.

The industrial world must faced these new

possibilities now, and will have to do so

increasingly in the future. At stake is the

competitiveness of manufacturers and of

entire industrial systems. We do not yet have

any manufacturing plant that has been

fully converted to this model of automatic

production involving multiple suppliers in a

personalized process driven by the customer.

However, there is a growing number of

individual and collective projects that

surely favor the testing and optimization

of the theoretical model. The digitization of

industrial production opens new scenarios in

terms of organization and the relationships

between the various steps along the supply

chain, and between distribution and

production. At the same time, it raises several

legal, insurance and security questions.

We spoke about the latter with Oliver

Winzenried, CEO and founder of Wibu-

System, an international company in the field

of security technologies for software licensing.

Industry 4.0: making

it safe

- osserva Oliver Winzenried -. Tuttavia si

moltiplicano progetti individuali o com-

partecipati, che sicuramente favoriscono

una sperimentazione e un’ottimizza-

zione del modello teorico”. Germania

e Italia, per l’amministratore delegato,

hanno entrambe una forte propensione

verso l’industria dell’automazione e sono

pertanto ottimi candidati per una rapida

migrazione all’Industria 4.0. “Le iniziative

europee sostengono entrambi gli Stati e

il mercato unico darà ulteriore impulso,

ridefinendo concetti economici e giuri-

dici ormai non più adatti all’attuale fase

tecnologica. Per quanto la Germania sia

stata portabandiera dell’Industria 4.0,

la posizione dell’Italia è favorita da una

classe imprenditoriale dinamica e da un’i-

struzione avanzata, che ben si sposano

con i cambiamenti strutturali in atto - ri-

prende -. Va inoltre rilevato che, mentre

in Europa ci si interroga su tutti i possibili

risvolti e si cerca di addivenire a soluzio-

ni morbide, gli Stati Uniti hanno messo il

piede sull’ac

Superare le resistenze

Oliver Winzenried,

amministratore dele-

gato e fondatore di
