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A custom-made world,

just for you

giugno 2016


repreneurial path without

having grown up with it isn’t easy. It takes

commitment and determination, extensive

market knowledge and the ability to develop a

business plan. Not least, you have to know how

to coordinate a team to transform the original

idea into a product. That’s what Valerio

Rositani decided to do by launching Valni

(part of the Neoshù Group, of which he is

president and founder), a digital marketplace

dedicated to custom-made lifestyle products.

“Customers today want unique solutions,

they’re no longer interested in the brand itself,

and prefer to focus on the uniqueness of the

product. This is why my collaborators and

I coined our slogan ‘Made For Me’, which

perfectly captures our company’s mission. The

first step is devoted to sunglasses, with a five-

year business plan that eventually encompasses

accessories, fashion, cosmetics and housewares.

But there’s more: “We’re starting with the

online platform but then we will open stores.

We also plan to expand geographically, from

Europe to the Middle East in the next two years

and then we’ll start thinking about the United

States, Hong Kong and Singapore in 2018,

Indonesia in 2019 and China in 2020”. The

purchase process is simple: the user chooses

the model from the online platform, sends

photos or video of him/herself, then a custom

software reworks the 3D image that allows

you to understand how the glasses will fit your

face. At this point, after receiving the order

confirmation, the software sends the processed

data for the production of the selected product.

Valni offers three lines: #classico (personalized

with initials), #novantanove (Limited

Edition) and #unico (100% customized), each

with increasing degrees of customization. It will

soon be possible to download a dedicated app

to your mobile device and make requests and

purchases directly from your phone.

cessi. Dopo la laurea in economia, come

detto conseguita in Italia, ha concluso il

proprio precorso formativo in giro per

il mondo, definendo la sua “una vera e

propria vocazione a oltrepassare i confini

nazionali e abbandonare la ‘comfort zone’

per affrontare nuove sfide”. Proprio nel

periodo della scuola si è forgiata questa

visione internazionale, grazie a una borsa

di studio per la London School of Econo-

mics e un MBA in Cina: “La mia specializ-

zazione si è poi concretizzata lavorando

all’estero per molti anni. Ancora prima di

finire l’Università, infatti, avevo firmato

un contratto a tempo indeterminato con

un’importante società americana in Sviz-

zera nel settore del marketing dei beni di

consumo. Lì mi sono trasferito per qualche

anno, per poi spiccare il volo in Cina, un

paese che conosco profondamente. E, in-

fine, la decisione di tornare in Italia, non

più come manager ma come imprendito-

re. E con l’obiettivo di offrire un prodotto