(Hall 1, B34)
We, Frejoth International Ltd., are going to display
our most advanced machines such as the 5-axis machining
center ATVMC-5XA at the 2015 EMO fair.
This traveling machining center is built with 5-axis
simultaneous function and swivel head on the B axis.
The overall dimensions of its fixed table are about 2400
x 700 (mm) . Equ i pped
with a 320mm diameter
rotary table and a strong
t a i l s tock on A ax i s , i t s
movable sections create
two machining areas on
the f i xed t ab l e , sav i ng
significant time during
l oad i ng and un l oad i ng
s t a g e s . R e g a r d i ng t h e
machine head, a swivel
spindle, ISO40 - DIN 69871, is mounted with a powerful
29.3KW/160NM motor. It allows for reaching a speed of
14000 RPM, while rotating from -120° to +120°. For greater
performance and efficiency, this machining center uses
Heidenhain ITNC 530 controller. Another model is available,
ATVMC-5XC (See picture), with a horizontal rotary table,
added or built-in to the fixed table.
The new Camp r o U s e r i e s 5 - a x i s
machining center provides simultaneous
5-axis motion, giving you the versatility
of small-sized machine and competitive
components without the expense of a large
footprint swivel head machine.
The U series is designed with a super
heavy mono-block cast base constructed
with FC300 cast iron. Mono-block column
structure delivers the ultimate stability for
machining precision components. Combined
with linear scales on X/Y/Z-axis and A/C-axis
(with encoder), it offers the highest level
of accuracy with excellent positioning. This
machine is also equipped with 45mm roller
linear guide ways on all three axes for heavy-
duty cutting.
Drilling may seem to be a simple
operation, but many modern components
require a large amount of holes to be drilled
on different axes. With a traditional 3-axis
machine, this can easily lead to multiple
setups, taking valuable machining time and
reducing your profitability.
With the 5-axis trunnion type machine,
you have the capability to drill these holes
across many axes with 120° travel, saving you
time and money. U series is also coming with
a 12,000rpm built-in spindle and powerful
28kW motor to maximize your cutting
performance and efficiency. Finally, the
Heidenhain iTNC530’s sophisticated functions
and the double arm rotary table (A/C-axis
supported) will allow you to finish machining
parts in a single setup without repositioning.