During the last 30.BI-MU in Milan Hurco presented the new brand Takumi, a new acquisition for the U.S. Group. Hurco acquired the 100% of business, technology, goodwill and operating assets of the Taiwanese company Takumi Machinery, founded in 1988 and specialized in design and manufacturing of CNC vertical machining centers, double column machining centers, high speed bridge machines and other machine tools, with sales primarily in Taiwan, China and Europe.
In addition to the recent acquisition of Milltronics, these strategic acquisitions represent strong global brands for expansive machine tool product lines of Hurco, and are both highly complementary to Hurco machine tool products and end user market. Hurco plans to continue market the Hurco, Milltronics and Takumi branded machine tool products separately, given the distinguishing and unique values of each product line and brand. Takumi machines are equipped with industrial controls from Fanuc, Siemens, Mitsubishi or Heidenhain for high-volume manufacturing environments.