Meccanica Plus

Revenues and orders Fidia first 9 months 2016ERT

Fidia reported consolidated revenues for 37,1 million euros in the first 9 months of 2016, dropping by around -8% compared to the same period of 2015, mainly due to the transfer of production to the new plant in Forlì, estimated to be ended within the current year. Order back-log was of 28,2 million euros, yet a good result compared to the 30,9 millions as at December 31, 2015. Revenues from the electronic sector – CNC have been for 2,9 millions, while the high speed milling machines sector – HSM achieved revenues for 24,7 millions. After sale service sector – Service, achieved revenues for 9,5 million euros.

The order intake in details sees the HSM sector achieving a result of 21,2 millions, compared to the 32,8 millions at September 2015, while the CNC sector achieved a better result of 3,8 millions, compared to the 2,8 millions of the same period in the previous year. Gross operating margin is positive by 2 million euros, and the net operating margin is positive by 1,3 millions. The Group’s net profit is positive by 0,8 million euros, and investments  increased of 2,9 millions in the first 9 months of the year, in addition to the start of production in Forlì also due to the completed transfer of US operations from the headquarter in Troy to the new one in Rochester Hills.