Modular dynamic conveyor Interroll in China
The Chinese Liwayway, a snack food company, optimized delivery processes thanks to a modular dynamic conveyor platform by Interroll. The food company upgraded its plant in Qingpu District, Shanghai, with a modular conveyor platform (MCP) system and three pallet flow systems supplied by Interroll, to undertake the conveying of carton boxes from labelling, sealing and up to pre-stacking, with a throughput of up to 3.000 pcs/hr, completely breaking the bottleneck of Liwayway’s delivery issue. The modular concept also allows the company to modify its conveyor system at any time, according to new market demands with quick response.
The platform’s modules include not only the straight sections and curves with and without drives. The portfolio also encompasses merge cassettes for loading and uploading goods, and alignment and belt conveyors for overcoming steep inclines, for example. Depending on application requirements, the conveyor modules can then be equipped with various drive systems, and be combined with one another. Zero pressure accumulation conveyors can be realized by using the energy efficient 24 volt RollerDrive concept, that operates without any pneumatic actuators. To handle high conveying speeds and extremely heavy goods (up to 50 kg) a 400 volt drive solution has also been optimized. All the modules can be seamlessly connected with the conveyor modules, greatly facilitating the customers to upgrade and transform their existing systems.
Liwayway has been a customer of Interroll Dynamic Storage Systems for many years already, and based on the layout of the Qingpu plant, Interroll is providing the company with three pallet dynamic storage system with a total of 2.160 pallet positions, including 960 positions FIFO storage system in the raw material warehouse, and two LIFO dynamic storage systems with a total of 1.200 pallets positions used in the two finished goods warehouses.