Meccanica Plus

Manual dry paint overspray system DürrERT

Dürr introduced a manual dry paint overspray separation system EcoDry X, a multi-stage and easy-to-handle filter system. EcoDry X is the counterpart to the established and fully automatic EcoDryScrubber, expanding Dürr’s family that permits differentiated technical solutions in automotive serial painting, from semi-automatic to fully automatic. EcoDry X system comprises a filter trolley with six filter boxes and downstream pocket filters as second filter stage.

The disposable filter boxes are made of cardboard and can be quickly and easily replaced using the filter trolleys, even while production is underway. The system automatically indicated when the cardboard filters are saturated, via a visualization control panel. The cardboards filter boxes are available as consumables from Dürr, but the trolleys are standardized so that they can be also equipped with filter boxes from third-party manufacturers. Employing a technology based on filtration rather than impact separation, the EcoDry X solves the issue that each paint exhibits discrete separation behavior that influences the amount of overspray produced. The system is suitable for both green-field and brown-field plants.