Maktek Eurasia 2016 in October

Maktek Eurasia 2016 is going to take place from 11 to 16th October, in Istanbul. Maktek Eurasia is the biggest machine tools and machinery manufacturing industry exhibition in Turkey, taking place at the Tuyap Fair convention and congress center in Istanbul, expecting about 1.000 participants to come from Turkey and other countries, increased over 2014, requiring almost all the 120.000 m2 of the exhibition congress center. Presented during the last Milan EMO 2015, Maktek Eurasia is supported by the leading sector’s turkish associations, Tiad – Machine tools industrialists and businessmen’s association, gathering 173 members meeting the 80% of the domestic demand, and MIB, the Association of turkish machine manufacturers.
For the 2016 edition 80.000 visitors are expected, and a business volume of 1,3 billion dollars to be established, increased over the 1 billion of the 2014 edition. According to Tiad’s statistics, consumption of machine tools in Turkey was 1,23 billion dollars in 2014, placing Turkey 12th on the global list, where China is at 1st place with a consumption of 31,7 billion. Turkey is 12th also in the global production of machine tools list, with 722 million, and 15th in exports, with 484 million dollars. The country is at last 8th in the imports global list, with machines coming from Taiwan, Germany and Italy at firsts three places. For 2016 Tiad expect the positive trend for the turkish machine tool market to continue, following the 2015 growth by 2,5% in consumption, by 2% in imports, production increased by 2,5% and exports by 1%.