Meccanica Plus

Made in Steel 2019, exhibitors’ registrations startedERT

Made in Steel, the main Conference & exhibition in Southern Europe dedicated to the steel industry value chain, will be held in Milano from 14 to 16 May 2019. The steel industry has gained, once again, the possibility to look to the future with moderate positivity, also due to the economic growth in the euro area, bringing benefits to all sectors, as Emanuel Morandi, ceo of Made in Steel, says. In this context, the international steel event will be back next year offering the opportunity to stakeholders and steel sector players to discuss and discover actual and future trends in the steel industry.

A rich program of conferences and events will take place, thanks to the technical support and consolidated know how of Siderweb, the steel community at the heart of the event’s organization. For the first time in its more than a decade-long history, Made in Steel’s opening day will take place on a Tuesday, at the heart of the week. The location will remain unchanged, as the event will take place at Fieramilano Rho (Milan). Exhibitors’ registrations have already opened.