Meccanica Plus

Garlichs to leave its role in InterrollERT

Interroll announced the decision of Ralf Garlichs, executive Vice President Products & technology and a member of Interroll Group Management, to leave the company by the end of June 2018. The company’s ceo, Paul Zumbühl, said the Group is thankful to Garlichs, in Interroll since 2006, for the successful contribution he gave in advancing Interroll’s technological development and innovation, especially with regard to its platform strategy and the company’s digitalization.

“Garlichs also directed the successful expansion of our production capacities -continued the ceo – and pushed forward the implementation of lean manufacturing as part of our globally oriented Interroll production system. We are convinced that on these very good foundations we will successfully speed up our further expansion. On behalf of the entire Interroll Group Management, I would like to thank Ralf Garlichs and wish him the very best for the future”.

The successor of Garlichs will be announced at a later date by the company.