DMG Mori closed financial figures of the first half of 2016 with revenues at € 1.092,5 million, a little above previous year’s results (1.090,2 million), and order intake at € 1.158,2 million, meeting the annual plan. Orders had a light decline over 2015 mainly due to cancellations made by US, because of non-receipt of advance payments. International sales revenues amounted to € 729,4 million, with a quota of export amounting to 67% as in the previous year, while domestic sales revenues increased to € 363,1 million, over € 356,9 million of 2005. Ebitda at the end of the first half of 2016 amounted to € 94,2 million, ebit was € 65,3 million and EBT reached € 61,2 million.
The company invested in the first half of 2016 € 29,8 million in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, with expenses in r&d amounting to € 22,3 million. A key event in the period was the increase in the shareholding of the Japanese partner DMG Company Limited in DMG Mori Aktiengesellschaft to 76,03%, and subsequent finalization of a domination and profit transfer agreement that will provide the company a legal framework and basis for an even closer working relationship. DMG Mori introduced six product world premiere in the first half of 2016, with three more to be presented in the second half, with digitization being a key focus for the future. The company reconfirm the forecast for financial year 2016, planning sales revenues of around € 2,3 billion, and expecting a slightly better order intake than in the previous year.