Cecimo’s national associations, Ucimu in Italy, VDW in Germany and AFM in Spain, are setting up the initiative Metals – MachinE Tool ALliance for Skills, aimed to make relevant vocational education and training (VET) programmes aligned with new manufacturing technologies generating business opportunities for machine tool builders. Metals is a three year project created to develop new strategical skills by bringing together industry representatives, VET providers and regulatory bodies from the three countries.
The Alliance will analyse emerging technologies in the sector, like the additive manufacturing, building a skills panorama highlighting the future skills needed by the European machine tool builders, and improving sector’s labour market intelligence providing policy-makers with sectorial insights they need in order to improve companies competitiveness and employability of its workforce. In the second phase, it will gather relevant learning materials, to be made available through an e-learning platform. The consortium will also finally organize skills workshops in the three countries, with the participation of relevant stakeholders.