Cobots, rapid growth 2016 Universal Robots

Posted 5 April 2017
crescita rapida Universal Robots 2016

Universal Robots closes 2016 with a rapid growth by +62%, reaching revenue 90 million euro in the cobots market, with a profit of more than 12 million. The company exploited the rapid growth of collaborative robots market: compared to 2015, UR have more than tripled its investments in 2016, especially in r&d, and invested more than 50% into the staff resource base in 2016, extending capabilities, know-how and global reach.

Universal Robots also doubled its global presence with local offices in 11 countries, up from 5 offices in 2015, being now represented with a presence in USA, Spain, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, China, Singapore, India, Taiwan and South Korea, also supported by a strong distribution channel covering more than 50 countries worldwide. Global capabilities and coverage have also been strengthened thanks to the acquisition by Teradyne in the spring of 2015, that started a strategic close collaboration. The company now expects revenue growth of 50% greater in 2017, meaning that Universal Robots will stay on target to reach 135 million euro (DKK 1 billion) by the end of 2017.

Commitment to grow on its market share is also due to collaborative robots market experiencing a continued and explosive growth over the coming years, as small and medium businesses adopt robot technology. Universal Robots offers indeed cobots for applications for all size of companies, with a focus on growing a global eco-system of technology partners in the UR+ platform, providing customers access to application solutions coming from a global developer resource base that is continuously innovating.

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