Meccanica Plus

Certifications in level indicators of liquids in F.lli GiacomelloERT

Industrial certifications play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and safety of products and processes, and over the course of its 40 years of history F.lli Giacomello has obtained certifications that testify to the quality and reliability of its level indicators. These include certifications such as ISO 9001:2015 for quality, ATEX for potentially explosive environments and Lloyd’s Register of Shipping for the naval production sector.

These certifications, often issued by independent organizations, demonstrate that a company complies with quality and safety standards established at a national or international level. Certifications not only increase customer confidence, but also help improve operational efficiency, reducing the risk of accidents or failures. In an increasingly globalized world, industrial certifications can facilitate access to international markets and promote the competitiveness of companies.

Today the F.lli Giacomello team is constantly projected towards research, innovation and quality, with the aim of creating new products that can expand the offer for Italian and international customers, through an increasingly complete and competitive package of sensors level for liquids.