Bending technology Salvagnini Industry 4.0 ready

Posted 30 September 2016
bending Salvagnini Industry 4.0

Salvagnini presents the P4 bending machine, an automatic panel bender enhanced with MAC 2.0 adaptive technology (material attitude correction), designed according to Industry 4.0 concepts. The adaptive MAC 2.0 technology of the P4lean panel benders enables the machine to detect any material variations in masked time, automatically compensating if values are outside the tolerance range, thanks to the adjustment of the blade movements.

It guarantees consistent part quality over time, even with variations in material and not depending on quality material, zero waste and scrap, optimized production time, all leading to maximum productivity. The panel benders employ intelligent solutions, such as precise measurement of sheet thickness, thermal compensation and lean design, and are designed to work with automatic handling equipments, as well as for full integration in Industry 4.0 environments, offering a wide range of 4.0 models for maximum flexibility, making bending technology suitable for a wider range of new applications.

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