Meccanica Plus

Automated logistic, Keba acquires KemasERT

Linz - ÑDie erneut gestiegenen Investitionen in die Forschung und Entwicklung auf insgesamt 33,2 Mio. Euro stimmen uns zuversichtlich, dass wir trotz der Turbulenzen in den M‰rkten unseren mehrj‰hrigen Wachstumskurs fortsetzenì, erkl‰rt Gerhard Luftensteiner, Vorstandsvorsitzender der KEBA AG. Besonders freut sich Luftensteiner ¸ber den Erwerb des deutsche Unternehmen KEMAS GmbH mit Sitz in Oberlungwitz in der N‰he von Chemnitz / Deutschland. KEBA hat 80% des 75 Personen starken Unternehmens ¸bernommen, die restlichen 20% verbleiben beim Gr¸nder und seinem Sohn. Der Umsatz des wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen Unternehmens betrug im letzten Gesch‰ftsjahr 7,7 Mio. Euro.

Keba acquired Kemas, german company specialized in self-service solutions related to transfer of material resources in automated logistic. The Kemas transfer solutions facilitate the safe and clear registration, administration, storage and delivery of various objects, ensuring protection against unauthorized access, loss and manipulation. Keba takes an 80% interest in the company, which has a workforce of 75 and sales revenues of 7,7 million euro in the last financial year. The remaining 20% remains in possession of the company founder and his son, as well as the operative management of the Keba subsidiary, operating under the umbrella of Keba brand, in the hands of the established managerial team.

Kemas’ solutions focus on the areas of security control and administration of sensitive objects, such as keys, electronic equipments and medicines, mobility, with organization on return of vehicle keys of rented cars and fleets, and logistics, such as demand-oriented allocation of material resources, such as textiles in hospitals, tools and equipments. “We are delighted to be able to augment our competences in the logistics automation segment – says Gerhard Luftensteiner, ceo Keba -. Our complementary solutions and new synergies will allow to provide our customers with an even more extensive portfolio, moving without doubt into additional branch areas”.