Exchangers in oil and gas

Posted 18 November 2015
Alfa Laval Italy will provide nine of brazed plate heat exchangers for the development of offshore oil and gas fields in the Persian Gulf. The company was chosen by the contractor for the end customer Comart Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, with thermal efficiency, the compact size and the selection of materials of construction of the heat exchangers, factors that meet the high standards of safety and quality of Adma Opco, a joint venture in charge of the project. In the first phase, it will provide Alfa Laval exchangers Compabloc type designed for the plant regeneration of glycol used for gas treatment: the project involves increasing production to 105,000 barrels of oil a day in 2018 in Umm Lulu, over the development of two more fields, and Satah Al Nasr Razboot. The supply Alfa Laval is part of the second phase, which includes the installation of six new wells in a complex of platforms for gas treatment, separation, elevation, various services and hospitality, water and waste combustion