per tutti: persone fisiche e persone giu- ridiche. La Cina e il modello ‘Grande fratello’ Ancora un paio di anni ci separano dal 2020, ma la Cina non sta certo ad aspet- tare. Attualmente interazioni individuali del sistema sono in fase di test pilota e la partecipazione al programma è volonta- ria. Nel 2014, infatti, il governo cinese ha annunciato i piani dettagliati per creare un Social Credit System che è stato pen- sato per premiare i comportamenti dei cittadini che il governo considera finan- ziariamente, economicamente e socio- politicamente responsabili e, al tempo stesso, per sanzionare l’inosservanza delle sue politiche. Sebbene il sistema sia ispirato ai sistemi di punteggio lega- ti al credito finanziario, noti come credit scoring, li supera in almeno tre modi: la portata più ampia degli aspetti presi in considerazione ai fini della valutazio- ne complessiva del credito di merito; lo spettro e l’applicazione efficace delle pene e delle restrizioni imposte come risultato del comportamento non con- forme; l’uso crescente di sensori e dispo- sitivi digitali che possono continuamente raccogliere e valutare i dati comporta- China tries out the Social Credit System We could define privacy simply as the right to be left alone. Privacy is the most appreciated right of a free people. Privacy is the right of people to make personal decisions about their personal issues, it is the right of people to lead their lives in a way that is reasonably excluded from public scrutiny, and it is the right of people to be free from unjustified drug tests or electronic video surveillance. But if a society with total privacy would not be at all a society, a society in which privacy were absent would be intolerable. Maybe, though, it is not like this for everyone. The Chinese population does not seem worried by the next loss of privacy, because this is what is going to happen. In the year 2020, in China the Social Credit System (SCS) will begin, a rating system that classifies people based on their online reputation. The greater the score of the individual citizen, the greater the privileges that citizen will be able to access, such as: subsidized loans, lower taxes and more. And vice versa, all the way to the removal of the rights of travel and expatriation. To clarify what will happen: people who do not regularly visit their elderly parents will get negative points, the same goes for people who cross the street with a red light or illegally dump trash. These are just a couple of examples of about 40 different experiments that the Chinese government is already implementing at the municipal level to discover how to best implement the Social Credit System program. All online information on people will be managed and made public by the central government to determine the level of reliability and consequently public and private life as a citizen. The Social Credit System will be mandatory for everyone: natural persons and legal entities. giugno 2018 47
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