Speciale Hannover Messe

SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 9 twins, in which the difference between the real world and the virtual world complete- ly fades. The result is successful because, thanks to this new virtual environment, it is possible to verify performance, safety and emergency conditions with total faithful- ness and confidence. A shared functionality Aveva, the multinational company special- ized in the development of industrial soft- ware, which in 2017 merged with Schnei- der Electric’s industrial software business unit, has been focusing on the Metaverse for some time. Maurizio Galardo, Chief Technologist XR at Aveva, makes a very interesting distinction: “Many companies in the industrial context are working on the Industrial Metaverse or, rather, on their own conception and vision of the Industrial Metaverse. I make this distinction because, net of some common features that we are inheriting from the Metaverse for entertain- ment, there is no shared definition of what the Metaverse can represent for the indus- try: many are shaping the very definition of the Industrial Metaverse based on their portfolio. This means that a 360-degree representation is only imagined by those companies that do not have exposure in a vertical context of the industry, but that can boast a 360-degree portfolio that ranges from design to operations. Ave- va, in this context, is unique in the sector, precisely for its wide portfolio that positions it preferentially in defining the Industrial Metaverse”. In summary, what does the Metaverse represent for Aveva? “The In- dustrial Metaverse represents a context in which actors from different disciplines can meet to share ideas, contribute to solving a problem or, again, monitor the status of a plant down to the individual asset. The main functionality in this case is collab- oration, a shared functionality. A unique feature, however, is the type and mode of access to trusted data that Aveva can boast from design to operations”. Micaela Orizio, Marketing Communications Director at Antares Vision, argues that en- tering the Metaverse represents “a new opportunity for dialogue to share through an immersive experience the technological journey of a product (of any nature: food, beverage, cosmetic, pharmaceutical) from when it is born, during its journey along the supply chain to arriving on our tables and in our homes”. The Antares Vision Group Maurizio Rovaglio is Head of Digital Enterprise Business for Process Industries at Siemens : “When we refer to the Metaverse, we enter the realm of ‘virtual reality’. This concept has been known for some time in the gaming and entertainment industry, but also in the industrial world”. Micaela Orizio is Marketing Communications Director at Antares Vision : “Metaverse represents a new opportunity for dialogue to share through an immersive experience the technological journey of a product from when it is born, during its journey along the supply chain to arriving on our tables and in our homes”. Maurizio Galardo is Chief Technologist XR at Aveva : “Many companies in the industrial context are working on the Industrial Metaverse or, rather, on their own conception and vision of the Industrial Metaverse”. THE PROTAGONIST