Speciale Hannover Messe

8 SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 The Industrial Metaverse is an application of the Metaverse in the manufacturing, logistics and other industrial sectors. It uti- lizes augmented reality and the Internet of Things to improve work efficiency and pro- ductivity. The Industrial Metaverse can help companies transform to a more sustainable net-zero operating model in several ways, virtual prototyping, remote monitoring and collaboration, training and simulation, pre- dictive maintenance, increased efficiency. Overall, the Industrial Metaverse can help to reduce their environmental impact by reducing the use of resources and energy, and by enabling more efficient and sustain- able practices. Additionally, by improving efficiency, companies can become more resilient to economic uncertainty and make more sustainable decisions that benefit the environment. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group, the Metaverse will have an economic value between $250 and $400 billion by 2025. There is great in- terest and expectations for the use of the Industrial Metaverse in industrial settings, as it has strong potential. Simulation and visualization There are companies that have been engaged in this virtual world for some time. One of these is Siemens. Maurizio Rovaglio, Head of Digital Enterprise Busi- ness for Process Industries at Siemens, explains the company’s vision and com- mitment in this context: “When we refer to the Metaverse, we enter the realm of ‘vir- tual reality’. This concept has been known for some time in the gaming and enter- tainment industry, but also in the industrial world. Looking specifically at the manufac- turing sector, in which Siemens is an un- disputed protagonist, a digital twin allows us to represent the industrial reality, i.e., the plant, through two main components: simulation and visualization. While the modeling of a process is already sophis- ticated, the part of graphic visualization is still simplified in many cases, giving a feel- ing of a substitute, of a fake environment. The new industrial metaverse - thanks to advanced simulation and AI techniques - makes it possible today to have a photo- realistic graphic representation in real-time, with accurate lighting and shadows and an actually immersive experience”. According to Rovaglio, the Industrial Metaverse there- fore comes into play as the ‘perfect’ digital The Industrial Metaverse is already widespread in the manufacturing sector. It applies to the world of factories, logistics, and other industrial fields. It is able to leverage augmented reality and the Internet of Things: a virtual world that allows for improving work efficiency and productivity Antonella Pellegrini Welcome to the metaverse