Speciale Hannover Messe

30 SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 Camozzi Automation confirms its vision and its focus on digitisation, mecha- tronics and smart components, and will bring to the 2023 edition of the Hannover fair a series of new ideas and solutions for Industry 4.0, developed around envi- ronmental sustainability criteria. For the manufacture of its latest products, the paradigms of reducing energy consump- tion and introducing eco-friendly materi- als are the fundamental design drivers. Camozzi’s green vocation is expressed through the smaller, more compact com- ponents in its portfolio. These include the new GRIPfit range of fittings, made using biocompatible plastic materials. Digitisation and handling In the field of digitisation, Camozzi has for some time now been using condition assessment technologies at component level, which helps make systems more efficient, prevent machine downtime and monitor the state of health of the compo- nents: the Series D valve islands, which are equipped with CoilVision technology, fine-tunes the data with embedded firm- ware and produces summary indicators on the state of health following edge pro- cessing. The free Uvix platform, which has long been used for Camozzi’s smart products, is now used in combination with Seco artificial intelligence. In order to make a system efficient in en- ergy terms, it is crucial to manage outlet pressure according to need, and raise it only where necessary: the new Se- ries BPA pressure booster is introduced to optimise the distribution network of pneumatic air, thereby reducing invest- ments and generation costs, as well as consumption. Lightweight, compact design is the de- velopment methodology for the handling sector: this inspired the compact Series CGPL gripper, characterised by long strokes that enable it to manage com- ponents of different sizes and equipped with recirculating ball bearings to man- age greater loads and work at high cy- clical levels. The new Series MTS and MSN pneumatic slides, made for sys- tems requiring a high number of cycles and a high level of positioning repeat- ability, are also fitted with miniaturised recirculating ball bearing guides that ensure fluidity of movement and make the product compact, fast, sturdy and durably reliable. Smart pneumatic gripper The innovative, smart pneumatic grip- per, developed in collaboration with the Genoa-based Italian Institute of Tech- nology (IIT) will also be on display on Camozzi’s stand in Hannover. This grip- per is equipped with an integrated po- sition and force control sensor system, and can communicate data gathered from the workpiece wirelessly. This is the technological platform from which Camozzi derives its embedded tech- nologies in the various smart entry level gripper models. As well as being ‘smart’, the Camozzi gripper can be reconfigured to suit the objects being manipulated. As such, it is perfect for the manipulation and robotics sector. CAMOZZI AUTOMATION SpA Via Eritrea, 20/I 25126 - Brescia Tel. +39 030 37921 info@camozzi.com www.camozzi.com Hall 6 - Stand D6 Promotional message The Series D valve islands, equipped with CoilVision technology, can generate data from inside the component, and identify any malfunction before it arises. Camozzi’s smart gripper, developed with the Genoa-based IIT, has an integrated position and force control sensor system and can communicate data gathered from the workpiece wirelessly.