Speciale Hannover Messe

22 SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 motion, but also as a source of data for digital value-added services and crucial to the performance of customer prod- ucts - this is what we will be showing at Hannover Messe”, emphasizes Hartmut Rauen, Deputy Executive Director of Vd- ma and responsible for power transmis- sion engineering and fluid power at the association. Numerous Vdma member companies will be highlighting practical examples in the context of digitization and sustainability. Vdma digitization activities In terms of digitization, the Fluid Power Association is a pioneer, with the digital twin created in the management shell. Data and information over the entire life cycle are available in a standardized, structured form that is compatible with other formats across all manufacturers. Sub-models containing data for specif- ic use cases are driving new business models. The results, which have been published at fluidtechnik40.de , are the result of years of standardization activi- ties, which continue to be facilitated by the staff of fluid power member compa- nies with great commitment. The Power Transmission Engineering Association, with the participation of leading drive technology manufacturers, is develop- ing OPC UA Companion Specifications for the industry in an international Joint Working Group. The first OPC UA Specifi- cation 40400-1 describes a uniform infor- mation model for the vertical integration of drive systems with the application ar- ea of asset management. In addition, the contents of the second part of the OPC UA Companion Specification Powertrain (40400-2) have already been defined. The fluid power and drive technology activities are flanked by several Vdma initiatives, for example one involving the OPC UA inter- face standard, the Industrial Digital Twin Association (Idta) alliance co-initiated by Vdma, the ‘Wireless Communications for Machines’ working group, and the ‘Indus- trial Security’ Competence Center, which is also exhibiting at the show. With Man- ufacturing-X, the federative data room ecosystem for the manufacturing indus- try, the platform gap is now also closing. In this way, the Vdma is helping to realize the interoperable system landscape of in- telligently connected Industry 4.0 produc- tion methods. Sustainability: a major theme In a survey of Vdma members, the num- ber of companies dealing with climate-re- lated issues tripled in 2022 compared with 2019. In addition, 71% of the com- panies surveyed said they are creating resources to address the challenge of climate change. Power transmission and fluid power companies are actively con- tributing to climate protection with perfor- mance modules and smart, efficient com- ponents and systems. The sustainability activities of the trade associations, in- cluding on the topics of carbon footprints, digital product passports or the circular economy, will be flanked in Hannover by two new guides for member companies on circular economy and climate-neutral production. The aim is to provide mem- bers with assistance in analyzing and implementing the relevant issues at their companies. In addition, the Vdma’s ‘Car- bon Busters Award’ initiative - a competi- tion in which young employees can sub- mit ideas for reducing C0 2 consumption - will present and highlight the winning proposals at Hannover Messe.