Speciale Hannover Messe

SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 19 ments. “Indonesia has been entering the new era of Industry 4.0 which marked by the increasing connectivity, interaction, as well as more convergent people, machines and other resources as the result of infor- mation and communication technology advancement,” said the Indonesian Indus- try Minister Airlangga Hartarto at the So- cialization of Implementation Roadmap for Industry 4.0 in Jakarta. Airlangga further explained the first generation of the indus- trial revolution is characterized by the use of steam engines to replace human and ani- mal power. The second generation is distin- guished by the application of mass produc- tion concept and the beginning of electric power utilization. The third generation is marked by the use of automation technol- ogy in industrial activities”. The Minister said that in the fourth generation of industrial revolution, it becomes a major leap forward for the industrial sector, where information and communication technology is fully uti- lized. “Not only in the production process, but also across the industry value chain hence creating new business models on a digital basis to achieve higher efficiency and better product quality”, Airlangga said. Five main technologies to support the devel- opment of Industry 4.0 are the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Ma- chine Interface, robotic and sensor tech- nology, and 3D printing. According to Airlangga, Indonesia already has a strong domestic market, as well as sufficient tal- ents from the number of universities, thus guarantee the availability of talent pool. Improvement of human resources com- petencies through the link and match program between education and industry should be the initial step, and this will be accomplished in mutual synergy between related ministries or institutions such as Ministry of Industry, Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Min- istry of State Owned Enterprises, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Education and Culture, and Ministry of Research, Tech- nology and Higher Education. National priorities According to the Ministry, the implemen- tation of Industry 4.0 will bring Indonesia upward to reach 10 biggest economies by 2030, returning the industry net export rate to 10%, doubling the labor productiv- ity rate over the labor costs, and allocating 2% of GDP to R&D and technology inno- vation fields (or 7 times higher than cur- rent allocation). To reach this, Indonesian government has formulated ten national priority strategies as follow: reforming the flow of materials, industrial zone redesign, improvement of human resources quality, empowerment of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (Umkm), incentives implementa- tion on technology investment, formation of innovation ecosystem, attracting foreign direct investment, harmonization of pol- icy and regulations, building the national digital infrastructure, and accommodating sustainability standard. One of Indonesia’s strategies to enter Industry 4.0 is preparing five manufacturing sectors to become pilot in strengthening the fundamental structure of the national industry. The five sectors are Food and Beverage Industry, Automotive Industry, Electronic Industry, Chemical In- dustry, and Textile Industry. Economic situation Indonesia is the world’s largest island state, comprising some 17,500 islands on an area of 1.9 million square kilometers. The largest and most famous islands are Java, New Guinea, Sumatra and Borneo, where the new capital Nusantara is currently being built. With a population of 280 million, Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous nation. The metropolitan region of the nation’s capital, Jakarta, is home to around 34 million people - second only to Tokyo in the ranking of conurbations worldwide. The population of Indonesia is very young, with an average age of around 30 years. The form of government of the Republic of Indonesia is a presidential democracy. The president and head of government are both elected for five years. Currently, Joko Widodo leads the affairs of state. He has been president since October 2014 and will remain so until 2024 following his electoral success in April 2019. Indonesia is a founding member and one of the leading countries in Asean. Indonesia also belongs to the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the G20 group of nations.