Speciale Hannover Messe

SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 13 development, management and mainte- nance of these tools. Most users are fa- miliar with DevOps, and money is already being made with MLOps. Service providers integrate and maintain models, checking the accuracy of the models in production activity. The term derives from the contin- uous development process used in the software industry. An interesting question is this: ‘Can an Artificial Intelligence build a machine?’ AI and machine learning are not only used to control and operate machines on a production line, but also have the po- tential to be used in the design and devel- opment of machines in the future. One area of focus for AI projects in the future is ex- pected to be ‘Design Space Exploration’, which involves using AI to explore different design options for a machine and make decisions about which design is the best. The process of marketing and making models of machines available to customers is becoming increasingly important, and some companies are already using AI tech- niques like ‘federated learning’ to improve their ability to exchange information about machine models. Carbon-neutral Production The objectives of the Green Deal for the EU are to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% below 1990 levels by 2030, and to be climate-neutral by 2050. This means that each and every company has an obligation to reduce its carbon footprint and cut CO 2 emissions. According to the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, there are various approaches in that context: these include electrification of process heat, changeover to hydrogen, increased use of biomass, market launch of low-carbon processes, recycling of CO 2 , build-up of the circular economy, and more efficient use of materials. In the case of large companies, investors and the market often demand sustainable and future-oriented action. Daimler is planning to operate its plants with a zero carbon footprint by end of this year, while the in- surer Allianz plans to limit its euro billions in investments to exclusively carbon-neu- tral assets by 2050. And Bosch eliminat- ed already its entire carbon footprint by 2020. But even smaller companies stand to benefit from switching to carbon-neu- tral production. A company’s commit- ment to climate protection has an impact on its customers as well as its employ- ees. The topic is omnipresent, and the ecological commitment of brands and/ or companies is playing an increasingly important role in consumers’ purchasing decisions. Energy management It is known that the days of cheap gas are over. Energy efficiency has hardly been an issue in recent years, and it is only in the last few months that the demand side has been gaining in importance. The first step for many companies is to set up an en- ergy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 or ISO 50005 for small and medium-sized enterprises. First of all, energy flows in the plant and the as- sociated sources of energy are recorded and analyzed. Based on this, ideas for im- provement are then developed, evaluated for economic viability and subsequently implemented. Energy management thus helps in the decision-making process for