Speciale Hannover Messe

12 SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 The field of mechanics and automation is constantly evolving, with new technolo- gies and techniques being developed all the time. These developments are driven by a variety of factors, including advanc- es in materials science, the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), and the increasing demand for automation and efficiency in various industries. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are also becoming in- creasingly important in industry. These technologies are being used for everything from predictive maintenance to process control, allowing for improved efficiency and cost savings. Virtual and augmented reality are also being used more in the field of mechanics and automation. These tech- nologies allow for virtual testing and train- ing, as well as for design and prototyping. They help engineers and technicians to visualize how a system will work in real-life conditions, and make adjustments before the physical product is built. In addition to these trends, there is also a growing focus on energy efficiency, green technologies, and sustainability in mechanical systems. This is driven by both economic and en- vironmental factors, and is leading to the development of new materials and tech- nologies that are more efficient and envi- ronmentally friendly. Overall, the field of me- chanics and automation is rapidly evolving, with new technologies and trends emerg- ing all the time. As these technologies con- tinue to develop and mature, they will have a significant impact on a wide range of in- dustries, driving efficiency, cost savings, and improved performance. Artificial Intelligence in industry The main challenge facing industry in the years ahead will be in the issue of inte- grating AI models into existing systems. Despite the widespread use of Machine Learning algorithm-based models in recent years, only some companies have been able to bring solutions based on this tech- nology into production and achieve a good return on investment. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) aims to address the deficiencies related to the integration and maintenance of these systems within cor- porate software architectures, based on the principles of DevOps to facilitate the According to experts, the main trends in the industry are the following: AI & Machine Learning, Energy Management, Carbon-neutral production, Industry 4.0, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells. These themes will be discussed during the Hannover Messe Antonella Pellegrini Industry trend 2023