Speciale Hannover Messe

SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 11 optimize processes and make efficient use of resources, perform preventive and pre- dictive analysis and elaborations”. Metaverse and Cybersecurity The virtual space of the Metaverse could create security-related problems? Are there protection standards? Maurizio Galar- do has no doubts: “No industrial context would be interested in adopting any new technology if the quality and security of the data and the context in which we work were not guaranteed. Technological exten- sions that improve or accelerate current processes are always welcome, and in this sense, security (both data and communi- cation) is always first. The time it will take to start and consolidate the adoption of the Industrial Metaverse on a large scale will be mainly related to the time it will take for companies to adopt it and at the same time the time it will take for technology providers to make it safe to use through the cloud. Cloud is by definition an ex- posed environment and for this reason it is essential to be able to guarantee our us- ers a safe access and private collaborative contexts. Aveva builds its cloud offering and the Metaverse will be the further pro- posal under the ‘umbrella’ of Aveva Con- nect, which is the safe and reliable cloud platform that we propose to our clients”. Maurizio Rovaglio explains that the solu- tions of the industrial metaverse are re- lated to graphic and artificial intelligence solutions, so the protection standards do not change. In fact, the industrial metaverse is the composition of a series of previous products or software with evolved components. It does not add any- thing new from the IT architecture point of view to what already existed, but improves the usability of systems that were already intrinsically secure from a cybernetic point of view. “In general - he continues - with a holistic approach to security for auto- mation systems, we support our clients through the ‘Defense in Depth’ strategy, a multi-layer concept for industrial users that guarantees protection of plants, net- works and system integrity - according to ISA 99 and IEC 62443 standards, the most important standards for security in the industrial automation sector. The ‘Defense in Depth’ strategy combines the appropriate software, hardware and expe- rience to help companies implement a cy- bersecurity program in the areas of Identify, Protect, Detect, Manage”. Micaela Orizio agrees that as a technolog- ical trend connected to the world of data, cybersecurity represents a challenge for all sectors and all stakeholders. “Today our AVGroupVerse is within a Metaverse plat- form, specifically spatial.io , and therefore we rely on a partner with already consoli- dated security policies and guarantees”. She adds, however, that the evolution is very rapid and even for the Metaverse it will be necessary to define adequate pro- tection standards, especially with regard to privacy and computer security. @anto_pelle