Speciale Hannover Messe

10 SPECIAL HANNOVERMESS E 2023 Metaverse offers a space where you can explore the Antares Vision Group ecosys- tem of technologies, experiencing each of the supply chain environments. “Today we are pioneers in this virtual world”, says Orizio, “and our goal is to bring awareness to how technology can improve the qual- ity of life, consistently with our mission. The immersive experience lived in a virtual world offers the opportunity for network- ing and partnerships, also through the en- joyment of events, conferences, meeting opportunities in the metaverse; a more im- mersive customer experience, where it is possible to make demonstrations, training and provide real-time assistance; the abil- ity to reach new markets and offer a new sales channel; as well as a new experience of both internal and external communica- tion. The potential is yet to be discovered and will evolve with the interaction, collab- oration and sharing features currently pres- ent in different platforms”. Metaverse and Digital Twins The manufacturing world already uses digital twins. It is interesting to understand the different features of the metaverse compared to the digital twins and if the metaverse becomes complementary to the digital twins. “The industrial metaverse is not complementary to the digital twins”, says Maurizio Rovaglio, “on the contrary, it is its ‘natural’ evolution. Being able to rep- resent with very high levels of precision, both the part related to the behavior of the plant (for example how a process is per- formed through its chemical and physical operation, or how a robot moves at a me- chatronic level), and the part that concerns its graphic visualization is the key of this in- novative concept. The industrial metaverse adds to the digital twin the photorealistic representation, with a play of lights and shadows and movement speeds that are exactly identical to the real ones”. Accord- ing to Rovaglio, if before you obtained an imperfect approximation, and the distances between the real world and the virtual world were highlighted, today with the industrial metaverse, those differences are eliminat- ed. “And Siemens’ leadership in automation and digitization - he adds - is strengthened in the manufacturing field precisely thanks to this ability to further perfect, through the industrial metaverse, the digital twins”. According to Galardo, the Metaverse is a kind of container of digital twins, of trusted data, real-time data, historical data. “More than complementary - he says - it is a layer that elevates the concept of digital twins to extend its functionality, to go beyond what was already possible before. In particular, collaboration, the sense of presence and proximity of an interlocutor, the possibili- ty of collecting and finding data regarding the context in which one is ‘immersed’ with other colleagues who can share the expe- rience from a desktop PC, but also from a VR headset or a tablet”. Digital twins are possible elements with- in an environment in the Metaverse. This is what Micaela Orizio claims, adding: “In the development of our Metaverse, the use of digital twins is already planned to represent for example our systems and our machines: through the digital twins of our ‘physical’ systems it will be possible to show in detail our solutions (for example machines and systems for quality control, traceability technologies) and it will be pos- sible to make simulations of their operation so as to be able to see (virtually!) the tech- nical and distinctive characteristics. Using IoT sensors it will be possible to monitor in real-time and perform simulations also to