
SPECIAL EMO 2023 19 In 2022, Germany, on the other hand, was characterized by domestic con- sumption growth. The strong recovery of domestic demand, reaching 5.409 million euros (+20.8%), enabled the country to consolidate its third posi- tion in the global consumption ranking, with a 7% share of the total. The Ger- man market also ranks third in terms of machine acquisition from abroad. Im- ports, with a value of 2,469 million eu- ros, covered 46% of the local demand. The result of production, which grew by 8.8% to 9,705 million euros, allowed the country to maintain its second position in the international ranking, despite losing half a percentage point of the global mar- ket share. Regarding exports, with mod- est growth in overseas sales at 6,766 million euros (+3.5%), Germany lost its leading position, surpassed by Japan. Japan once again secured the third position among producers, with a val- ue of 9,156 million euros, a growth of 11.5%. Thanks to a strong increase in foreign sales, which grew by 12.7% and reached 7,020 million euros, the Land of the Rising Sun claimed the first place among exporters. Domestic consump- tion also recovered, growing by 12.6% to 2,868 million euros (the sixth-largest market in the world). Despite a signifi- cant increase in imports (+29.5%), the ability of foreign supply to penetrate the market remains limited, representing only 26% of the market. With a production of 5,611 million eu- ros (-8%), the United States dropped to fifth place among countries manu- facturing machine tools. Among the leading countries, the USA records the highest import penetration, reaching 65%; the value of 6,032 million euros secured them the second position in the importers ranking, just behind Chi- na. From a consumption perspective, the US market, with 9,220 million euros (+8.5%), confirmed its position as the second-largest in the world. South Korea’s production increased by 6.7% to 4,264 million euros, driven by a significant increase in exports, which grew by 22.7%. Domestic consumption, 31% of which is satisfied by imports, amount- ed to 2,959 million euros (-4.4%); despite the decline, the country maintained its fifth position in the global ranking. Taiwan experienced a strong growth in production (+22.1% with a val- ue of 3,878 million euros) and exports (+21.6% with 2,862 million euros); thus, the country strengthened its fifth posi- tion in the global export ranking. Switzerland’s machine tool production increased by 23.5% to 2,784 million euros. 85% of the machines were sold abroad, totaling 2,374 million euros, se- curing the seventh position in the global export ranking. Other countries India confirmed its seventh position among consumers, with 2,650 million euros (+21.7%). Thanks to a strong in- crease in imports (1,509 million euros, +15.5%), the country ranked sixth in the global import ranking. There was a significant increase in production, which grew by 28.3% to 1,314 million euros. Russia maintained its eighth position in the market ranking, with a consumption of machine tools amounting to 2,017 million euros (+11.7%). Imports covered 61% of the market (a decrease com- pared to the previous year), with a value of 1,227 million euros (+4.4%), while lo- cal production amounted to 887 million euros (+24.4%). Machine tool consumption in Turkey reached 1,911 million euros (+26.5%), making it the ninth-largest global mar- ket. 89% of the consumption is satis- fied by imports: the country ranks fifth in global imports with 1,694 million euros (+28.4%). In 2022, the Canadian market grew by 14.2% to 1,364 million euros, secur- ing the eleventh position in the global ranking. With an estimated production of 760 million euros (+32.1%), imports amounted to 927 million euros (+8.4%). Mexico became the twelfth global mar- ket in 2022, dropping one position, with a value of 1,288 million euros (-0.9%). Imports, also amounting to 1,288 mil- lion euros (-1.4%), ranked seventh in the global ranking. With a value of 1,286 million euros (+19.2%), France was the thirteenth global market and the third in Western Europe in 2022. Local production de- clined (797 million euros, -1.2%), while imports increased significantly (988 mil- lion euros, +22.2%).