
18 SPECIAL EMO 2023 In 2022, global production of machine tools continued to grow, consolidating the results achieved in 2021. Thanks to a registered increase of 13.1%, it reached 79.5 billion euros. Asia con- tributed 56.9% to this figure, Europe 33.9%, and the Americas 8.9%. A decade ago, with global production at 64.2 billion euros, the Asian share was 55.1% of the total, Europe accounted for 36.3%, and the Americas stood at 8.3%. Global consumption increased by 13.7% compared to 2021, reaching 77.5 billion euros. The Asian market ab- sorbed 52.1% of the total sales, while Europe accounted for 29.9% and the Americas for 17%. The remaining 1% was attributed to other regions (Africa and Oceania). The world leading countries Last year, China confirmed its global leadership by being the top manufac- turer (25,736 million euros, +18%) and the top consumer (26,027 million euros, +10.2%), with a significant advantage over all other countries. The import share of consumption decreased to 24%, with a value of 6,265 million euros (-0.6%). Exports increased significantly (+32.6%), reaching 5,975 million euros, allowing the country to strengthen its third position in the global exporters ranking. Last year, the production of machine tools worldwide continued on its growth path. Thanks to a 13.1% increase, global production reached 79.5 billion euros. China remains the leading manufacturer and consumer. Let’s see, country by country, the performance of the main players in the global market China remains at the top of the world ranking Luca Rossi