
SPECIAL EMO 2023 15 Manufacturing Technology at the iwb with- in TU Munich, emphasizing a key aspect -. At the same time, this approach allows a certain degree of interpretability with regard to its predictions, since wear can not only be detected globally via the digi- tal twin, but also assigned to specific feed drive components”. External additional sensors can then largely be dispensed with, and only internal signals used. Gren- zebach Maschinenbau is involved in the project, and its machine will eventually be used to demonstrate the functionality of the system. “EMO Hannover 2023 offers an excellent platform for the international exchange of views on the various tech- nical aspects for optimal solutions”. con- cludes Professor Michael Zäh. Innovations and contacts “EMO Hannover is the number one plat- form for innovations - confirms Stefan Raff, Head of Sales Robomachines at Fa- nuc Europe -. Which is why it’s only nat- ural that Fanuc is featuring two Europe- an premieres involving robomachines in Hannover. I can’t reveal any more at this point”. Overall, Fanuc will be moving in a new direction at the next EMO. Instead of focusing only on its own CNC controls and machines, Fanuc will now also be presenting complete packages to visi- tors, such as a system for manufacturing automotive parts. The specific demands of electric vehicles have brought about a change in the design of manufactur- ing facilities. There is a greater need for flexible manufacturing equipment, for in- stance. Criteria such as TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and ROI (Return on Invest- ment) are playing a greater role than ever. “In addition, we are seeing further growth in demand for process solutions. A trend that has now well and truly taken hold - Raff continues -. The European Devel- opment Center we have set up in Neu- hausen will support the design of such solutions based on European standards”. This gives added weight to the compa- ny’s claim: “Fanuc puts customer require- ments at the heart of its R&D”. One such example - and representative of many other solutions - is the development and testing of extreme applications such as power skiving on Fanuc machines. “A crucial factor, we believe, is having up- to-date equipment for initial and further training - emphasizes Stefan Raff -. Au- tomation is certainly needed as a means of coping with labor shortages in general and the lack of skilled staff in particular. But so. too, is the early and comprehen- sive incubation of young talent. And so, for the first time, Fanuc will be exhibiting an ‘Education cell’ at EMO, consisting of a machine, a robot and a complete training package. There will certainly be plenty of innovations on show at EMO Hannover 2023. Personally, though, I’m looking forward to the direct contact, es- pecially with international visitors, which we’ve all missed for so long”. The effective linking of automation, ro- botics and digitalization represents an established solution when it comes to optimizing process flows in the produc- tion environment. And now this approach is increasingly being enriched by digital twins and artificial intelligence. All the big names will be at EMO Hannover 2023 to present their latest solutions and to gath- er ideas and forge partnerships for their own optimization efforts. Hannover thus offers companies a globally unique op- portunity to put themselves far ahead of the competition. Schunk robot coupling allows effective handling of clamping pallets. The Schunk zero point clamping system ensures a secure grip on the machine table, and maximum repeatability. The compact Schunk power clamping blocks offer greater design freedom in automated machine loading.