Speciale EMO 2019
43 Speciale and samples. 44 percent also print their own replacement parts, series items and tools. Around a quarter of printed items are made of metal. In response to a survey carried out among visitors to the previous edition of EMO in 2017, around one fifth of those interviewed expressed an interest in 3D printing, which is why the “Additive Manufacturing Circle” has been organised for the 2019 edition of EMO. The special exhibition includes products by large-scale manufacturers of 3D printing systems. Focus on startups Today, startups are no longer limited ex- clusively to the consumer goods or finan- cial sectors, but are becoming established with increasing frequency also in the cap- ital goods industry. Unlike the situation in well-established firms, young entre- preneurs are more creative, they find it easier to put their ideas into practice and are thus able to launch new products on- to the market more rapidly. Experts at the Berlin-based digital consulting company etventure, for example, advise well-estab- lished companies to outsource their digital business models, pointing out that this is a faster solution, one that is not subject to needlessly slow bureaucratic procedures, and one that is able to circumvent in-com- pany opposition. However, a recent survey found that only 8% of German firms actu- ally choose this method. To promote this form of collaboration and help encourage the interested parties to come together, EMO Hannover 2019 will be focusing par- ticular attention on startups and organis- ing the second edition of the “Young Tech Enterprises @ EMO Hannover” platform. Once established, young firms with good ideas usually need financial backing and experience, and must also establish con- tacts with clients, major competitors or potential collaborators. At EMO they will be able to fully satisfy this need. Indeed, as well as startups, investors, startup promot- ers and potential cooperating partners are invited to exhibit at the fair. Recruitment schemes In addition to the technical challenges posed, the industry is increasingly con- cerned about the lack of qualified staff. Although situations vary from country to country, there is a need for action in this regard throughout the world. Many indus- trialised nations are faced with declining populations, one of the main reasons for the decreased availability of specialized personnel. On top of this, those few peo- ple who are qualified often move into oth- er sectors. Meanwhile, developing coun- tries where there would be a new work- force generation in numerical terms, do not usually have an efficient training sys- tem that is capable of creating the skilled workforce needed. Added to this is the fact that connectivity and automation in- volve a radical change in the requirements today’s industry workers need to fulfil. Schools and companies must take this into account if they want to ensure their own future, regardless of where they are in the world. For this reason an initiative will be organised at EMO to bring compa- nies and young people together to help fa- vour the recruitment process. Iniziativa di recruiting Oltre alle sfide tecniche, è sempre più spes- so anche la carenza di personale qualificato a preoccupare l’industria. Anche se su basi diverse, c’è bisogno di intervenire al riguar- do in tutto il mondo. Molti Paesi industrializ- zati sono alle prese con il calo demografico, una delle principali cause della minore di- sponibilità di personale specializzato. Le po- che persone qualificate si spostano inoltre spesso anche in altri settori. I Paesi in via di sviluppo, per contro, avrebbero nuove leve sufficienti dal punto di vista numerico, però di norma non hanno un sistema di formazio- ne efficiente in grado di creare gli specialisti necessari. A tutto questo si aggiunge il fatto che la connettività e l’automazione compor- tano un cambiamento radicale dei requisiti che gli addetti ai lavori dell’industria devono avere oggi. Scuole e aziende devono tener- ne conto se vogliono assicurarsi il futuro, indipendentemente dalla loro ubicazione nel mondo. Per questo in EMO sarà organizzata anche una iniziativa per l’incontro tra azien- de e giovani e favorirne il recruiting.
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