Speciale EMO 2019

Speciale 38 tion and exports of German machine tools set new records in 2018. According to estimates, the sector produced ma- chines and services worth over 17 bil- lion euros, 70% of which was exported. Here too, though, the long period of re- covery appears to be coming to an end. Orders did actually see a light growth of 1% in 2018. However, there were al- ready clear signs of a slowdown in the final quarter of last year. This was due on the one hand to the downturn in the world economy, with Asian markets re- cording negative values, and on the oth- er as a consequence of what was in fact an explosion in demand in the second half of 2017. The closing months of 2017, when demand was particularly lively, set a highly challenging precedent in 2018 for orders which, at the end of the year, not only failed to reach a higher figure, but actually took a negative turn. Final- ly, clients and SMEs in particularly are currently quite confused by the situation of uncertainty that is being generated in più grosso mercato europeo di macchine utensili, assiste a un rallentamento dopo il boom economico precedente: nel 2019 il consumo tedesco di macchine uten- sili dovrebbe crescere ancora dell’1%. Guardando agli investimenti dei nove settori utilizzatori più importanti a livello mondiale, vediamo che i maggiori inve- stimenti sono da attribuirsi all’industria much of the world by escalating trade wars, growing protectionism, oil price in- creases, high inflation levels in emerging countries, uncontrolled borrowing, and other factors besides. And yet the total workforce employed by the sector, of over 75,000, has reached a record level, and production capacity is almost at its peak. Italy’s slowdown The Gtai (Germany Trade & Invest agen- cy) reports that in the coming years the Italian economy will grow by just under 1%, with domestic demand suffering the most. Following the growth of recent years, investments are clearly slowing down, as a result of suspension in late 2018 of the super-amortization scheme on the purchase of capital goods. Mean- while, higher interest rates are also re- ducing the willingness to invest. Accord- ing to Oxford Economics, after a growth of 0.8% last year, Italian GDP will fall by 0.1% in 2019. Industrial production in Ita- ly is expected to shrink by 0.9%, follow- ing a growth of 0.7% in 2018. At -0.5%, investments this year will remain well below those of last year, when there was costruttrice di macchinari, all’industria automobilistica, all’industria aeronauti- ca e ad altri settori del trasporto (e qui in primo luogo al settore dei traspor- ti ferroviari e alla cantieristica navale). Produzione ed esportazioni di macchine utensili tedesche hanno stabilito nuovi record nel 2018. Secondo le stime, il set- tore ha prodotto macchine e servizi per un valore di oltre 17 miliardi di euro, dei quali circa il 70% esportati. Anche qui però sembra profilarsi la fine della lunga ripresa. Gli ordinativi hanno registrato ancora, a dire il vero, una leggera cresci- ta dell‘1% nel 2018. Però già nel quarto trimestre dello scorso anno si ricono- scevano chiari segni di frenata. Da una parte per il rallentamento dell’economia