Speciale EMO 2019

33 Speciale 33 for the fourth consecutive year it recorded a two-figure increase to 5.164 billion euros, up 15.7% on 2017. Forecasts for 2019 The trend for the Italian industry in the sector will remain more or less stationary in 2019. Production in particular will see a slowdown in growth, rising by just 3.6%, to 7.02 billion euros. As a result, exports should reach a val- ue of 3.9 billion euros, up 6.5% on 2018. The ratio of export to production is expected to grow to 55.6%. Consumption will also slow down and reach 5.22 billion euros (+1.1%), remaining at more or less the same level as 2018, like deliveries by manufacturers on the domestic market (3.12 billion, +0.3%) and im- ports (2.1 billion, +2.3%). “With Industry 4.0,” Carboniero said, “the authorities have established the most im- portant industrial policy programme seen in the country since the post-war years. Super- and hyper-amortization, which are the main- stays of the scheme, have borne fruit, en- couraging the replacement of obsolete ma- La classifica Quarta tra i produttori, l’industria italiana di settore si è confermata terza tra gli esporta- tori e ha inoltre consolidato il quinto posto nella classifica di consumo, a testimonian- za della vivacità della domanda locale che ha beneficiato dei provvedimenti per la competitività, industria 4.0 e impresa 4.0. Secondo i dati di consuntivo elaborati dal Centro studi & cultura di impresa di Ucimu, nel 2018, la produzione di macchine utensi- li, robot e automazione si è attestata a 6.775 milioni di euro, registrando un aumento dell’11,3% rispetto al 2017. Il risultato è sta- to determinato sia dal positivo andamento delle consegne dei costruttori sul mercato interno, salite, del 15,2%, a 3.112 milioni, sia dall’export che si è attestato a 3.663 mi- lioni di euro, crescendo di oltre otto punti percentuali rispetto all’anno preceden- te. Nel 2018, principali mercati di sbocco dell’offerta italiana sono risultati: Germania (394 milioni +15,1%), Stati Uniti (354 milio- ni, +11,5%), Cina (341 milioni, -0,4%), Polo- nia (229 milioni +41,7%), Francia (227 mi- chinery and prompting firms to interconnect machines and systems thanks to the digital technologies with which they are equipped.” “Now we need things to be taken a step fur- ther. While the content of these measures fully responds to the need for growth and development in business competitiveness, and in particular among SMEs, which form the backbone of our industrial system, what needs to change is the way in which these measures are made available.” He went on: “For this reason we are asking government authorities for a change in approach and the introduction of a package of 4.0 measures that is structural, in other words freed from the annual expectations and uncertainties