Speciale EMO 2019

Speciale 32 32 S ono in assoluto i migliori risul- tati di sempre quelli del 2018 dell’industria italiana di macchi- ne utensili, robot e automazione. Alla 74° assemblea dei soci Ucimu-Sistemi per produrre, Massimo Carboniero, presi- dente dell’associazione imprenditoriale ha affermato: “I risultati messi a segno dall’industria italiana di settore, lo scor- so anno, sono i migliori, con incrementi a doppia cifra per quasi tutti i principali indicatori economici; le previsioni per il I n 2018, the Italian machine tool, robot and automation industry recorded its best ever results. At the 74th annual members’ meeting of Ucimu-Sistemi per produrre (the association of manufacturers operating in the industry), association pres- ident Massimo Carboniero said: “The results recorded by the industry in Italy last year are the best ever, with two-figure increases for nearly all the main economic indicators; forecasts for 2019, however, reveal a situa- tion that is generally stationary. We would ask government authorities to abandon the logic of intermittent provisions and make immediately available a structural package of measures regarding 4.0, so that SMEs can plan their medium- and long-term invest- ments”. Other speakers at the meeting in- cluded the head of Confindustria, Vincenzo Boccia, and economist Marco Fortis, who is also vice-president of Fondazione Edison. The rankings The Italian industry for the sector ranks ATTILIO ALESSANDRI 2019 indicano, invece, una situazione di sostanziale stazionarietà. Alle autorità di governo chiediamo di abbandonare la logica dell’intermittenza e rendere im- mediatamente disponibile un pacchetto strutturale di provvedimenti in materia 4.0, così che le PMI possano pianificare gli investimenti a medio-lungo termine”. All’assemblea sono intervenuti anche il presidente di Confindustria, Vincenzo Boccia, e Marco Fortis, economista e vi- cepresidente di Fondazione Edison. fourth among manufacturers, third among exporters and fifth in consumption, evi- dence of the buoyant local demand which has benefited from measures introduced to encourage competitiveness, industry 4.0 and business 4.0. According to final data drawn up by Ucimu’s Study and Busi- ness Culture Centre, in 2018 production of machine tools, robots and automation totalled 6.775 billion euros, an increase of 11.3% on 2017. This result was determined both by the positive trend in deliveries by manufacturers on the domestic market, which rose by 15.2, to 3.112 billion, and by exports which stood at 3.663 billion euros, rising by more than eight percentage points compared with the previous year. In 2018, the main markets for Italian products were: Germany (394 million euros, +15.1%), Unit- ed States (354 million, +11.5%), China (341 million, -0.4%), Poland (229 million +41.7%), France (227 million, +6.7%), Spain (144 mil- lion, +7.9%), Russia (100 million, +11.9%) and Turkey (90 million, +2.6%). The result for consumption was particularly positive: 2018 was a good year for the Italian machine tool, robot and automation industry. Things are expected to remain unchanged in 2019. The facts and figures A record2018, a stationary2019 Bene il 2018 per l’industria italiana costruttrice di macchine utensili, robot e automazione. Prevista stazionarietà per il 2019. Numeri e percentuali del comparto 2018 da record, 2019 stazionario