
Speciale anteprima Hannover Messe 49 frequent misunderstandings, conflicts of interest and needless competition at their points of intersection.” That said, there are countless examples of successful collaboration. One of these is Adamos: an IIoT alliance between various plant and machinery providers and software company Software AG. The alliance aggregates machine data from the various participating man- ufacturers in order to develop smart services for customers. Similarly, ABB and IBM have embarked on a strategic partnership for artificial Intelligence. Some cross-disciplinary partnerships are very new. The one between Bosch and Huawei is a case in point. In Octo- ber this year, the two companies an- nounced that they will be partnering to make Bosch’s IoT services available to the strategically important Chinese market via Huawei’s cloud platform. Bosch and Huawei are also members of the Industrial Internet Consortium, where, among much else, they have jointly advocated for harmonized in- dustrial standards. One interesting alliance between classic automation providers and ICT specialists is the 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA), established by the German Electrical and Electron- ic Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI). Alongside these automation-IT alli- ances, numerous IT-industry firms are joining forces with each other in order to develop better solutions for their industrial customers. The alliance be- tween Software AG and hardware pro- vider Dell is a good example of this. Another is the partnership between DXS Technology and Amazon Web Services (AWS), who are planning to jointly develop industry-specific ser- vices based on AWS cloud technolo- gy. Of course, these sorts of alliances re le due discipline reciprocamente - spiega Rainer Glatz, direttore di Electri- cal Automation and Software & Digita- lization Rainer Glatz, le associazioni di automazione elettrica e software e di- gitalizzazione all’interno della federa- zione tedesca di ingegneria (Vdma). Parlano in diverse lingue e hanno di- versi assetti e approcci organizzativi, portando a frequenti equivoci, conflit- ti di interesse e concorrenza inutile ai loro punti di intersezione”. Ci sono in- numerevoli esempi di collaborazione di successo. Uno di questi è Adamos: un’alleanza IIoT tra vari fornitori di im- pianti e macchinari e la software hou- se Software AG. L’alleanza permette di aggregare i dati macchina dei vari pro- duttori partecipanti per sviluppare ser- vizi intelligenti per i clienti. Allo stesso modo, ABB e IBM hanno avviato una partnership strategica per l’intelligen- za artificiale. Alcune partnership in- terdisciplinari sono nuove. Il caso tra Bosch e Huawei è un esempio calzan- te. nell’ottobre scorso, le due società between people, machines and data.” At Hannover Messe 2019, the displays of applications for Industry 4.0 and cloud-based solutions, industrial se- curity, artificial intelligence, machine learning, VR, AR and Big Data manage- ment will be grouped together in Halls 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the Digital Factory. Examples of collaboration “Implementing Industry 4.0 hinges on close cooperation between IT and automation. Naturally, things don’t always go smoothly. The main chal- lenge is getting the two disciplines to understand each other,” explains Rainer Glatz, director of the Electrical Automation and Software & Digitali- zation associations within the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), add- ing: “They speak in different tongues and have different organizational make-ups and approaches, leading to sulla Hannover Messe - afferma Arno Reich, Global Director Iamd e Digital Factory della manifestazione -. Con il tema guida di ‘Industrial Intelligence’, Hannover Messe 2019 non sta solo puntando i riflettori sulla collaborazio- ne abilitata digitalmente tra persone e macchine nell’era dell’intelligenza arti- ficiale, ma rivela anche da dove attin- gere alle competenze necessarie, ov- vero le piattaforme che costruiscono ponti tra persone, macchine e dati”. Ad Hannover Messe 2019, i display di applicazioni per Industry 4.0 e soluzio- ni per cloud, sicurezza industriale, in- telligenza artificiale, machine learning, VR, AR e gestione di Big Data saranno raggruppati nei Padiglioni 5, 6, 7 e 8 nella Fabbrica Digitale . Esempio di collaborazione “L’implementazione di Industry 4.0 dipende dalla stretta collaborazione tra IT e automazione. Naturalmente, le cose non vanno sempre bene, la sfida principale consiste nel far comprende-