
Speciale anteprima Hannover Messe 37 who know about them. That is why we are again partnering with Han- nover Messe - to raise awareness of these outstanding materials.” In 2019, the German Economics Ministry is or- ganising Hannover Messe’s first-ever summit on lightweight construction. The summit for political, industry and R&D leaders, which will be held on 2 April, will look at lightweight design and construction as a competitive factor and explore strategies for fos- tering it as a key enabling technolo- gy. Germany’s Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier, will give the opening address. Located in Hall 5, the Integrated Light- weight Plaza is Hannover Messe’s central information hub and market- place for lightweight solutions across all materials, processes and indus- tries. For companies, local business networks, industry associations and research institutions, the plaza is a chance to demonstrate that develop- ing effective lightweight solutions re- quires interdisciplinary cooperation on materials, design and production technologies. The Integrated Light- weight Plaza comprises an exhibition, a speaker’s corner, a ‘Lightweight Café’ and a demonstration area. And le costruzioni leggere nel corso della Hannover Messe . Il vertice si svolge- rà il 2 aprile coinvolgendo leader po- litici, industriali e di R&D, esaminerà il tema della progettazione e della co- struzione leggera come fattore com- petitivo ed esplorerà le strategie per ture, digitization, increasing mobility and burgeoning industrial production are all putting enormous pressure on finite natural resources,” says Dr. El- mar Witten, CEO of Germany’s Fed- eration of Reinforced Plastics (AVK). “So, to conserve these resources and safeguard our energy supply, we need to find new approaches. Fi- bre-reinforced plastics/composites offer excellent solutions for many of these challenges, because, as con- struction materials, they differ funda- mentally from unreinforced and me- tallic materials. Unfortunately, it still tends to be only materials specialists procci: le plastiche rinforzate con fibra di vetro/compositi offrono soluzioni eccellenti per molte di queste sfide perché, come materiali da costruzio- ne, differiscono fondamentalmente da materiali non rinforzati e metalli- ci. Sfortunatamente, solo gli specia- listi di materiali tendono a esserne a conoscenza. Per questo motivo, e per sensibilizzare all’utilizzo di questi materiali eccezionali, siamo di nuo- vo partner di Hannover Messe”. Nel 2019, il Ministero dell’economia te- desco organizza il primo summit sul-