
CLEAN I NG IMPREGNAT I ON COAT I NG Our 70 years experience in Surface Treatment is ready for the E-Mobility market. TECNOFIRMA SpA - V.le Elvezia, 35 - 20900 Monza (MB) - Tel. +39 039.23601 - Fax +39 039.324283 - tecnofirma@tecnofirma.com - www.tecnofirma.com Research, innovation, development. In 70 years, our vision towards the future has never stopped. Today, Tecnofirma provides quality to the electric market which is the most evolving technology in the automotive industry. Our impregnation, cleaning and painting plants are the result of the constant commitment to o•er cutting-edge solutions and products anytime, anywhere. E VOLUTION TO E -MOBILITY Focus ROBOTICA